About the Owners
Ckori Jones & Ashref Elshazli
Ckori and Ashref grew up in Prince Georges County, Maryland. Both received baseball scholarships from Bowie State University (BSU). Both received Bachelor’s degrees from BSU in the field of Education. Both went on in 2000 to 2010 to work as educators, camp counselors and coaches in both Prince Georges County and Washington DC.
In 2009 Ckori founded BroCAR Service and Repair dba BroCAR Renovations, a renovation firm specializing in residential home repair. From 2009 – 2014 BroCAR Renovations served local and state clients due to the plethora of REO’s which were the direct result of the 2008 subprime meltdown. Ashref joined BroCAR Renovations in 2015 growing it from a MARYLAND based company to a company licensed and fully operating in five states across the East Coast region.
In 2015 Ckori and Ashref collectively founded BroCAR Properties. This company’s main focus is to acquire property for long term holds and development. Its activities fall under the following Standard Industrial Classification Codes: 236115, 236118, 238130, 238310, 238330, 238340, 561320, 561740, and 562910.
Ckori has been married to Chanell Jones since 2000 and has 3 children. Ashref has been married to Caroline Elshazli since 2010 and has 2 children.
Ckori and Ashref both take pride in giving back to the community. Both serve in numerous ways. Ckori is A life LONG baseball coach, serves as a male mentor for young adults, AND MINISTERS AS A DEACON AT WOODSTREAM CHURCH. Ashref is a basketball coach and former Director of College Retention AT FRIENDSHIP COLLEGIATE ACADEMY. Ashref continues to mentor youth primarily from the DC area.
Both Ckori and Ashref attempt to implement the following laws of success:
The Law of Value - Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.
The Law of Compensation - Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.
The Law of Influence - Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.
The Law of Authenticity - The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.
The Law of Receptivity - The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.